Saturday 24 September 2011

Week Eleven: A week spent waiting

I am currently sat airside at Newcastle airport, awaiting my flight to Brisbane. I am loving the laidback attitude of Aussies towards domestic flights - no disposing of water bottles, clear bags of make-up and "you cannot bring that through", whilst having glaring competitions with hormonal customs officials. Down Under, I can waltz through security - disrupting their gossip about supermarket prices and what Brenda was up to last weekend - with my water bottle and cookie in hand, without an eyelid batted.

Monday was spent in the library, attempting to work and failing miserably. This year abroad - as amazing as it undoubtedly is - is doing nothing for my work ethic. Siiiigh. One thing it is doing, however, is polishing up my dinner party skillz, as I attempted to atone for my risotto-based failings in the Church St kitchen by utilising my recently acquired veggie boxes to rustle up Roast Vegetables with chilli and herb Couscous and home-made Garlic Bread :) I had lots of help from my wonderful assistant Liz (cue cheesy Jim Davidson's Generation Game theme tune), and the meal worked out far more successfully than the unintentionally chargrilled risotto :)

Tuesday was another library day, followed by dinner at Church St (yummy stuffed peppers with feta courtesy of Bram) and the long trek down Darby St to Bar Beach, where Maggi was having a party to bid her farewells before she jets back to Germany. Unfortunately, due to ridiculous bus times and underestimated walking speeds, we could only stay for a little while before heading back home. Boo.

Haha well done Australia

Some of the street art around Newcastle

Wednesday was another library day - I am starting to go stir-crazy in this place! In the afternoon we trekked to Church St again for a final pre-Spring Break meal. Everyone heading up the East Coast had an overnight bus journey to prepare for, so the meal was - of course - a fry up! We made some pretty failed chips, and the bacon was suspiciously linear (not that I 'indulged' in that particular porcine treat... if indulged is the word), but the eggy bread and mushrooms were amazing, and have I mentioned how much I have missed baked beans?! Om nom nom. After walking all the East Coasters to the bus station, weighed down with rucksacks and excitement, Kirsty and I told them to be good, and not to talk to strangers (unless said strangers were offering goon), before leaving them in their giddy states and getting the bus back home. Boooooo!

Any guesses where I spent Thursday? So much hatred for the library right now. As the last two remaining Church St family members remaining in Newcastle, Kirst and I stuck together on Thursday night, and headed out on the farewell night out for one of her departing flatmates. Perhaps goon strengthens over time, or maybe we were just incredible lightweights, but we were both a little messy that night. However, a brilliant night was had and we got home safe (...before I had a 40-minute dolphin-related tantrum, apparently. Sorry Hugo.).

...Oh dear.

A successfully inebriated send-off!

I awoke on Friday morning feeling like death in a microwave. Bleurgh. This was to be cured with a trip to the beach post-tute, but Kirst and I were both in a rather Indiana Jones-esque mood and decided to go exploring the surburban wilderness of Newcastle.. to go househunting. Okay, so 'Indiana Jones-esque' may be overstating it... perhaps more 'Phil and Kirsty-esque'? No houses were found, which is hardly surprising as the majority of them are currently inhabited by students, but we continued on our epic quest (okay, i'll stop now) towards Marketown, to buy pumps and nutella. HARDCORE. The evening ended on a spectacularly lame note... sat in bed watching Australia. Perhaps the worst film ever made, but it's just so PRETTY!

Saturday was certainly no cooler. The hot weather had melted away, leaving Newcastle a drizzly grey mess. It could have been Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. The most productive part of the day involved me managing to get the lunchtime bus to Kirst's flat, where we would spend the afternoon watching Sex and the City and eating Omelettes. Living the life. In the evening, I boarded the bogan-riddled bus again (although to be fair, the bogans thought studying Environmental Science was "like actually massively cool", so maybe they aren't so bad). I packed my bag for Brisbane (one more day!) and watched Ocean Giants (which is "like actually massively cool"... Geek and proud!).

Today I took every precaution and arrived at the airport waaay too early, where I have spent my time eating pineapple and watching the Inbetweeners... and so the productive mood continues. My flight is in an hour, and I'll hopefully be at my Uncle's house in Brisbane with my mum before the day is up! I probably won't get a chance to update my blog next week -  i'll be too busy feeding dolphins and relaxing in Southbank Lagoon, dahhhling, life is hard! I will, however, provide an epic fortnight roundup when I return to Newcastle after Spring Break.


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